THE Holistic healing CIRCLE

A community for therapists and healers, ready to prioritize their self care and healing, holistically


with a holistic healing circle membership you have access to:

A growing library of over 100 videos that tend to the many layers of you, Mind, Body, and Soul

  • Workshops 

  • Sound baths

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • 5-15 minute practices for when you're short on time

Each month you will receive new practices in your library PLUS

  • Monthly Affirmations and Journal Prompts to set your intention for the month

  • Monthly Healers Circle to connect as a community and feel into the intention for the month

  • A  digital community where you can share, give and receive support from LeNaya and other like minded souls.

  • Workshops/Events with LeNaya and Guest Teachers to deepen your knowledge and practice around Holistic Healing and self care.